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Renfrew Community Church Services

Sunday Worship

We have a blended worship style of both contemporary music and hymns. 
Sunday Worship 10:30 am
Bible Study 9:15 am
Wed. Night Groups at 7 pm

Food Pantry

Renfrew Church serves our community.
No one should ever go hungry!
Food Pantry is located on the Travelers Rest side parking lot of main building. We are open on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month from 12 noon to 2 p.m. For more information, contact Fred Black

Renfrew Academy

Child Development Center (C.D.C.)

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6 Joy Redlinger is our administrator.
For more information go Here


Seek support and guidance through our Renfrew Certified Counseling Center. Our trained counselors provide a safe space for individuals and families to navigate life's challenges with compassion and understanding.


As an outreach ministry of Renfrew Church, ROAR strives to engage our local community of all ages through God-glorifying Sports and recreation so that all involved may know the Gospel...
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Youth Programs

We have multiple athletic events throughout the year, you or your child can participate in. Everything from  
t-ball, softball, basketball to pickleball!
To find out more talk to Scott Vaughn, he is our elder over the various Sports Ministries.


If you are part of the family of God, not only are you a part of His household, but you are also His house of prayer.
Let us pray for you!
For Prayer

Building Rental

Renfrew buildings are available under certain conditions for non-church related events that match our goal to serve our community. Find out more 

Children's Programs

Our children need a safe place to grow and thrive. All of our people are screened by Ministry Safe. They will learn about the love of Jesus and a well thought out program is established by our Children's Pastor, Adam Walker


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