Why do bad things happen?

Biblical Counseling

Podcast by Jeff Christianson

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Renfrew Church has several trained counselors who have been certified with the IABC.

We have multiple resources available to you. Topics we deal with:

  • Grief
  • Marriage
  • Manipulation
  • Divorce
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Others

Biblical Counselor’s Covenant

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Renfrew Community Counseling Center

Counseling with a Biblical World View

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety Proverbs 11:14.

For many people, talk therapy has played a key role in healing past hurts, setting new goals, and improving relationships. A qualified mental health counselor can offer insight regarding your behaviors, thoughts, and attitudes. But, you are made up of more than just thoughts and feelings. You’re a person whose faith is important.

At Renfrew Christian Counseling, we believe that you should be able to incorporate faith values into your counseling experience. For many people, faith in God defines them; so it’s only natural to bring spiritual beliefs into the counseling session. 

Call to make an appointment today (864) 238-5088 or click button below

Our Christian counselors will explore your faith values in a way that is comfortable and natural to you. We ask how you’d like to incorporate your faith into the counseling session. For some, Christian counseling is as simple as working with a therapist who understands Christian beliefs, terminology, and doctrine. Others elect to explore mental health issues from a biblical perspective. Our desire is to partner with you on this journey of healing; 

At Renfrew Christian Counseling, we believe that anyone can benefit from Biblical counseling. You can improve relationships, overcome past hurts, and achieve new goals for your life. We’re conveniently located on 951 Geer Highway, Travelers Rest, SC 29690

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Regional Counseling Training Center Renfrew is the Regional Training Center for anyone who would like to become a Certified Biblical Counselor. The Self-Confrontation course is one of the resources we use for training. Interested? Enroll or contact us in the form below.

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